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Customer Testimonials

Love having our horses here it really is like one big happy family and the care and training is beyond excellent . Thanks guys .

Sam & Lola Moran

My home away from home! The staff and agistees welcomed us into the family. I always knew my horse was in the best hands, loved and cared for as if he was their own. The care and attention given to my horse after he had major surgery was second to none and not to forget the emotional support! Renee and Kobie go above and beyond!

Kerrie Stacey 

The service at JP is highly personalised and focusesd on supporting each horse/rider combination to achieve individual goals. There is a broad spectrum of rider talent and ability at JP, and yet no rider is ever made to feel that their personal goals or lack of time is any less important than the far more accomplished and committed riders. That makes for an excellent experience.

Catherine Friday

“All the agistees are great and Renee and Kobie are full of knowledge. I know my horse is in good hands here”.

Hayley Uttley

“I moved interstate for work and started to agist my horse at JP. The staff and agistees instantly welcomed me and my big horse into their family with big wide arms. I have certainly made friends that ill have forever. JurAvon made the transition of moving very easy”.

“Renee and Kobie take immaculate care of my horse couldn’t thank them enough”!

Alexandria Leppien

“In the short time Captain and I have been at JurAvon, I’ve already come to value Renee’s professionalism, advice and insight enormously. As I can’t get out to see Captain everyday, it’s really important to me that he’s in the best care and I have absolute faith in Renee and Kobie to take care of him”.

Catherine Friday

I love the help that Renee and Kobie give. As a novice rider it can be extremely intimidating owing a horse here. They are very helpful – definitely wouldn’t have been able to have Duke without all their practical advice.

From how to lunge properly to how to clip Duke myself. Can not praise these girls enough.

Facilities are second to none, wouldn’t dream of keeping Duke anywhere else. My work makes it difficult to get down everyday. Knowing that they have feed and rugged appropriately is an incredible peace.

Thank you very much ladies your work is greatly appreciated. All staff are incredibly lovely. I don’t feel judged for asking silly questions!

Sarah Powell

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